Fiona Frances
Fiona Francis is a mother, Psychotherapist, entrepreneur, advocate, and a two-time graduate of Grambling State University. Originating from the Caribbean Island of Dominica, Fiona migrated as a young adult in an effort to obtain higher education in the state of Massachusetts. During her tenure at Quincy College, MA Fiona felt like she needed more, she quotes “ I don’t’ know what it was but it wasn’t enough for me” and when the opportunity of attending an HBCU presented itself she took it. Fiona enrolled at Grambling State University in 2006. During her tenure at Grambling State University Fiona was the two-time recipient of the Title V student scholarship and the ABSW student scholarship awardee. As a student at Grambling State, she served as treasurer, Social club president, and board member of Phi Alpha Honor Society, Pi Gamma Mu, Golden Key Honor Society, and who’s who amongst American College and Universities.
In 2019 Ms. Fiona was awarded Social Worker of the year by the National Association of Black Social Workers. Fiona has managed to serve in many capacities as a Social Worker. She has had the opportunity to serve as an intern with the Dept of Children and Families, Swanson Juvenile center in Monroe LA, Mental Health Professional, Case Manager, Applied Behavioral Analysis specialist, Hospice Social worker, Medical Social worker, and most recently serves as the C.E.O of the Therapeutic Village; LLC her Private Therapy Practice geared at providing holistic psychotherapy to the population that warrants it & Village Remedies, a wellness company that provides all-natural products for optimal holistic health. Ms. Francis is also the Clinical Director of Cognitive Institute Inc., a Mental Health Rehabilitation Agency serving clients across 5 parishes with a lifespan of over 20 years.
Fiona has also served as a Social Worker in other states nationwide but is currently practicing in Shreveport LA. In her practice, she is highly passionate and emphasizes the importance of self-care, both for her clients and her colleagues. Ms. Francis’ vision and mission is to promote optimal holistic wellness to achieve wholeness.

Latoya Amos
Voted as the 2023 Minority Business Opportunity Award Honoree and 2019 Forty Under Forty… LaToya Phelps-Amos is recognized for her expertise, zeal for small business, and philanthropic efforts. Launching her first business Le Affine Couture in 2013 as an e-commerce boutique owner, she quickly positioned herself to mentor women looking to enter the fashion and entrepreneur space. LaToya continues to break barriers by reaching across tables of different sectors and building relationships that will create change while educating, and opening doors of opportunity for like-minded individuals. Her passion to motivate, inspire, and elevate others has been the foundation of her success and positioned her as a pillar in her local community. LaToya’s energy for people, leadership and successful businesses pivoted her to found POWERR Management Group, a wrap-around financial service agency. Inspiring others to take their business, careers, and lifestyles to the next level is key!